I originally had this set to post on Mother's Day... However, the pain was too much 4 me to bear..
There я a few ramblings in the midst of these words, please bear with me. These words have been typed through MY tears which я burning MY eyes....
Mother's Day 08, I left NY... Yet again, just as I did in 01 to care for MY ailing Grandmother.. This time was a bit more critical.. I had left her in rehab a few weeks prior and together she and I were counting down the days until she came back home... A few days prior to her release, she goes to the ER with difficulty breathing within hrs, she was placed on life support... Mommy, aunt Gwen and I drove for hours to get here.... I barely decided a few hrs before to forgo school at the moment and do what my ♥ felt was best..
Move back to NC... The hospital gave Gram 6 months... When she was awake, she did her usual... Fussed @ us for spending all this $$ and she winked at me sayn didn't I just see u a few weeks ago? I climbed right in her bed and said Mama u scared US!!
Grams wanted to see her family at reunion. She was a trooper!!! She was out all day with everyone else.. No meds exhausted, hot with her wig on and her oxygen tank greeting her cousins and family friends... Part of me felt that she wouldn't see this July 09 yet I was in denial...
Grams remembered everyones birthdays... And helped u remember them.. Well.... Not last year, Grams was so out of it sitting in that hospital room that I did all I could to fight the tears streaming down MY face..
I had grown accustomed to calling Grams or getting a call eaaaaarly in the morning as she sang ⌣ birthday to me... Tells me a story about a past birthday growing up and ending the call with I love u Peapard.
... Aug 13, 08, the early stages of dementia were present... Grams looked me square in the face and had no clue who I was... After sitting with her for hrs, I text my uncle and said I can't take it anymore! I'm. Leaving see ya in the house after while... Thankies again Ca$h for making me laugh and keeping a smile on MY face... I was able to enjoy MY bday even after the sad beginning..
Fast forward to Oct before my trip to NY.... The fall on MY way to ATL.... Her surgery, the 2 months she spent in rehab... The excitement when Grams came home... The work with her Physical Therapist Connie ... Her home nurse Alicia... The drs visits, the support staff that dealt with my million and one questions.... I wasn't trained... It was all done out of love...
All the fun we had in the wig store when she was released in January....
Aunt Teri and Michelle. U 2 were a blessing that day..
I went through a few months with disagreements, lack of a social life except cyber..
The lack of desire to eat for both of us..
There я quite a few highlights...
Dress up in the wedding gown..
Thankies Liz & Michelle
The nites in the bar.
*tight hugs Cube*
The greenery that was twisted up..
The nite listening to spoken word. Thankies M WE gotta go out girly!
The movies, dinners with MY pahtnahs in crime and couso's Torrye and Kendall
The painful realization that WE both faced together.. The never ending drs appointments.. Fone calls, emails, kind words of encouragement and support. MY 360 fam came out the woodworks and wrapped their arms around me tighter than I imagined possible..
Over the course of the next few months, it was a painful adjustment Grams u can't have that. Nah u can't eat this.... She and I fussed a few times, stopped speaking for a day or 2... Giggled like lil kids and went on with our lives...
This experience has learnt me a few things...
Lookn back two years to 2007, I see the growth in ME.... It may not be visible to others but I see it...
August 13, 1976 the most beautiful baby girl was born..
R is that bitch either u hate me or love me..
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