I feel that with life in general.. WE go through changes.. Some negative others are more positive.. I've dealt with alot of bullshyt in my life.. I have even felt that I didn't have a voice.. With R or Boogy as some of you call me.. With my love for hiphop and my genuine concern for OTHERS I have been networking with alot of influential people.. They accept me for my flaws and allowed me to be ME!!!
I have removed the drama in my life.. With MY personal growth.. There is a part of me that I must also release...
Just like Mary J. Blige, there is NO MORE DRAMA in her life.. She changed musically yet her TRUE fans are still here.. Please accept MY personal growth and continue to support me...
If not, then I respect your stance.
About Me

- Ya gYrl R
- Harlem, NY, United States
- I am SO Brooklyn.. i just live in Harlem and have a residence in Charlotte..
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Ubertwitter Update!
Blackberry Users.. Get it here
Beta-7 has been released!
Tue, 03/16/2010 - 08:10 — CodeWarden
Following close on the heels of Beta-6, Beta-7 is mostly a bug-fix/stabilization release. This is in preparation for a substantial feature upgrade for Beta-8 which we plan to release in March.
Beta-7 can be downloaded here: http://www.ubertwitter.com/bb/download.php
- Avatars not loading - Fixed a bug that would cause avatars to not load
- Default HTTP - Changed the default connection type back to http from https due to problems on some devices and carrier networks
- Java exceptions on device boot - Fixed issue where java exceptions would be reported on device reboot due to lack of permissions
- Opt-out of sponsored tweets - Users can now opt out of receiving sponsored tweets
- Goto User bug fix - Fixed bug where entering a user not in your timeline and then pressing trackball wouldn't use the text you entered but instead find the closest match from your friends list
- Everyone Near You - Fixed bug where it wouldn't uses your current location, and sometimes would revert to somewhere off the coast of Africa. Also increased the distance to a 10 mile radius, in the future we will let you select this.
- Mini-Icon Notification - Fixed bug where if the app didn't have certain permissions not related to the mini-icon, it still wouldn't show the mini-icon
- Fine-Tuned control of visual notifications - There are now three settings each for the mini-icon and application icon so you can fine-tune the control over how you want each to notify you. Also, the number next to the mini-icon will only reflect the number of new tweets of the type it is tracking. For example, if you only set the mini-icon to track new DMs, then the number next to the mini-icon will only reflect the number of new DMs.
- New short-cut for page-up - Added a new short-cut to page-up in the timeline, pressing '0' (zero) will now page up in the timeline
- Instability when using cell location - Fixed bug that would cause instability in the app when using cell tower location
- 3G Cell Tower Inaccuracy - Fixed a bug in the cell tower location mechanism when 3G towers were being used
- Symbol Screen - Again reworked the symbol screen
- Secure Connection - Changed the default Twitter endpoint so your traffic will travel over a secure HTTPS connection
- Deleting DMs - We now allow you to delete direct messages.
- Constant permissions requests - Fixed bug where every time the app was started it would ask for permissions.
- TwitLonger confirmation dialog - We have added a dialog confirming that you want to use TwitLonger when sending a tweet.
- Auto network bug fix - Fixed a bug where the AUTO section would not work, but setting to BIS-B would work.
- Mini-indicator icon bug fix - Fixed bug where the mini-indicator icon would not work
- Application Permissions - Specifically asked for the inter-application permission, as not having it makes certain capabilities non-functional.
- Picture/Video Chooser - Modified to be much quicker and sort newest files to the top. Once BlackBerry fixes the bug in 5.0 which prevents us from using their built-in chooser, we will switch to that which will provide thumbnails.
- Viewing TwitLonger Tweets - Fixed bug where longer tweets were getting cut off
- Copy/Paste Links - Fixed a bug where when you copied/pasted a link from a tweet it would end up pasting the entire link.
- Avatar Uploads - Fixed a bug where some users avatar uploads would consistently fail.
- Flickr Image Support - Now support in-line thumbnails and viewing of Flickr images.
- TwitGoo - Now support in-line thumbnails and viewing of TwitGoo images.
- Pressing Enter on Uber Bar - Pressing ENTER on the Uber Bar will now select the tab.
- Friend Picker - Fixed a bug where the friend picker would sometimes not show up when pressing '@'
- Battery Drain - Fixed a bug where failures to load your friends list would significantly drain the battery.
- Short-cut to Email a Tweet - press 'z' to email a tweet!
- Spurious reboots/White Screens - Through painstaking tests with our test group we tracked down the issue that was causing spurious reboots and instability for some users.
- WiFi Only Fix - Fixed a bug where users with no data plan were unable to use the wifi only mode.
- Reply All and underscores - Fixed a bug in reply-all where users with an underscore were not getting copied properly.
- Added Cancel to retweet dialog - Added the option to select 'cancel' when being asked whether to use the new or old retweet method.
- Load More on list timelines - Fixed the 'load more' button so it actually works at the bottom of list timelines.
- Focus switch to tweet text - Changed the focus to be the tweet text and not the avatar when opening a tweet
- www.twitpic.com URL now supported - Now support www.twitpic.com for preview and image views.
- Inability to delete tweets less than 15 characters - Fixed the bug where you couldn't delete tweets less than 15 characters.
- Adding account to account list - Fixed bug where adding a new account didn't immediately show up in the account list.
- BirdNext Proxy Bug - Fixed a bug so that the Bird Next proxy will now work when posting tweets.
- New Style Retweets Truncated - Fixed bug where new style retweets would sometimes be truncated if the original tweet was close to 140 characters.
- Sponsored Content - Changed sponsored content 'bubbles' to look different then regular tweets.
- GPS failures - Fixed an issue where the built-in GPS would not be used for location.
- Exceptions when permissions were not granted - Fixed numerous issues which would be triggered if the application didn't have adequate permissions.
The following changes have been made from 0.970 to 0.971
The following changes have been made from 0.963 to 0.970
The following changes were made from 0.960 to 0.963
The following changes were made from 0.945 to 0.960
Monday, March 8, 2010
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