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Harlem, NY, United States
I am SO Brooklyn.. i just live in Harlem and have a residence in Charlotte..

Friday, December 4, 2009

Prostitutes & VD?

I am intrigued by phobias. Scrolling through MY BlackBerry, a phobia that stood out is the fear of prostitutes and veneral disease..
Its "interesting" to a degree that on World AIDS Day after a nap with a busy day ahead... I come across this particular phobia...

To define what I'm talking about...

Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia - Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.

It is interesting to me that with the TV shows I do watch.. They all reflect MY personality to a degree.. This also means that as different in concept the shows may be... They all share a few similarities... One to add to the list is prostitutes... Yes in the shows I watch.. Even a movie, there is some sort of body selling (goings on)
Does that mean I was selling MY body in a previous life? Nah
Do I have a secret desire in selling MY body?

I feel that prostitution is a common factor in a variety of lives we just try to overlook it...

VD... Veneral Disease(STD) no matter which phrase you prefer.. They are existing... So many people say "I always use a condom" Umm.. You have kids.. Stop lying to yourselves....

People are extremely judging of those that have an STD..
I have relatives that died from HIV. I protect MYself yet I admit to being irresponsible also.

Hepatitis.. In the past, certain groups of people were tested on like animals so they have this disease.. Get the vaccine and be careful in that type of environment.

Herpes.. Guess what??!! You can come into contact with this virus by general contact not just sexually. Search for an open wound, cut, sores things of that nature on the body...

The connection of VD and prostitutes I guess is due to them sexing a variety of people.
Either way.... Protect YOU and others..
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