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Harlem, NY, United States
I am SO Brooklyn.. i just live in Harlem and have a residence in Charlotte..

Monday, October 19, 2009


> "Us">> [Verse One:]>> Could you tell me who released our animal instinct?> Got the white man sittin' there tickled pink.> Laughin' at us on the avenue> Bustin' caps at each other after havin' brew> We can't enjoy ourselves> Too busy jealous... Of each other's wealth> Commin' up is just in me> But the Black community is full of envy> Too much back-stabbin'> While I look up the street I see all the japs grabbin'> Every vacant lot in my neighborhood> Build a store, and sell their goods> To the county of sips (?)> You know us po niggas: nappy hair and big lips?> Four or five babies on your crotch> And you expect Uncle Sam to help us out?> We ain't nothin' but porchmonkeys> To the average bigot, redneck honky> You say comin' up is a must> But before we can come up, take a look at US>> [Verse Two:]>> And all y'all dope-dealers. ..> Your as bad as the po-lice- cause ya kill us> You got rich when you started slangin' dope> But you ain't built us a supermarket> So when can spend our money with the blacks> Too busy buyin' gold an' Caddilacs> That's what ya doin' with the money that ya raisin'> Exploitin' us like the Caucasians did> For 400 years - I got 400 tears- for 400 peers> Died last year from gang-related crimes> That's why I got gang-related rhymes> But when I do a show ta kick some facts> Us Blacks don't know how ta act> Sometimes I believe the hype, man> We're messin' up ourselves and blame the white man> But don't point the finger you jiggaboo> Take a look at yourself ya dumb nigga you> Pretty soon hip-hop won't be so nice> No Ice Cube, just Vannilla Ice> And yall sit and scream and cus> But there's no one ta blame- but US>> [Verse Three:]>> US ... will always sing the blues> 'Cause all we care about is hairstyles and tennis shoes> But if ya step on mine ya pushed a button> "Cause I'll beat you down like it ain't nothin'> Just like a beast> But I'm the first nigga ta holler out {PEACE, BLACK MAN}> I beat my wife and children to a pulp> When I get drunk and smoke dope> Got a bad heart condition> Still eat hog-mogs an' chitlin's> Bet my money on the dice and the horses> Jobless, so I'm a hope for the armed forces> Go to church but they tease us> Wit' a picture of a blue-eyed Jesus> They used to call me Negro> After all this time I'm still bustin up the chiffarobe> No respect and didn't know it> And I'm havin' more babies than I really can afford> In jail 'cause I can't pay the mother> Held back in life because of my color> Now this is just a little summary> Of US, but yall think it's dumb of me> To put a mirror to ya face, but trust> Nobody gives a fuck about...>
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